THE CONFEDERATION OF DANISH INDUSTRY, the Danish Embassy in the Philippines, and The Danish Export Association and State of Green invites you and your company to take part in this Energy delegation to the Philippines.

THE PHILIPPINES is one of Asia’s fastest growing economies with the forecasted GDP growth in 2022 of 6 percent after suffering from the covid pandemic. Moreover, with a population of over 106 million people and a yearly population growth of 2-3 percent, the Philippines is witnessing a steep increase in urbanization.
THE ENERGY SECTOR IN THE PHILIPPINES primarily uses fossil fuels and is furthermore dependent on imports for over half of the country’s energy supply. To combat the poor energy-infrastructure, the government in the Philippines has introduced the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) 2020-2040, which has set a target of 35% of the generation mix by 2030 and 50% by 2040. That equates to about 15GW of wind and solar by 2030. Currently, about 15% of power is generated by renewables. The NREP seeks to attract local and foreign investments to help upgrade the use of alternative energy resources.
WHY JOIN? Join the delegation to meet key stakeholders and tap into opportunities in the energy sector in the Philippines. The delegation also includes a meeting with the Asian Development Bank and a networking reception.
WHO SHOULD JOIN? The Energy Delegation 2022 is relevant for all companies involved in renewable energy (on and offshore wind, biomass, solar, hybrid solutions, energy storage, etc.) and energy-efficiency.
You will get
- An opportunity to present your solutions to potential clients and partners
- Network with Philippine companies within the energy sector.
- Support in arranging B2B meetings with interested players