
Healthtech Summit 2021

What are the mega trends in healthcare? What is the role of hospitals and clinicians in driving innovation? How do we attract investments to healthtech innovation?

Denmark must be a beacon for health innovation and healthtech. To succeed with this mission, we need to address the importance of health innovation and healthtech, the Danish strengths within health innovation and healthtech, the challenges that the Danish healthcare system faces and how to best address those challenges. We need to learn from international successes and insights, and strengthen collaboration across private and public partners both nationally and internationally.

On September 30, a long list of public and private partners therefore invite you to join us for Healthtech Summit 2021. It will be an exciting day where both national and international representatives from the entire healthtech ecosystem present their perspectives on healthtech innovation. Healthtech Summit aims to create a greater political focus on healthtech and health innovation by showcasing concrete models, solutions and insights. It will help boost the innovative capacity of the Danish healthcare system, which then will be equipped to meet both current and future challenges.

The event is aimed at civil servants and politicians at state, regional and municipal level, research and educational institutions, businesses, persons working with healthcare, relevant special interest groups, investors and funds, patients and relative among others.

Looking forward to see you.

Programme overview

  • Moderator


  • 08:00

    Registration and coffee

  • 09:00

    Lars Sandahl Sørensen, CEO, Confederation of Danish Industry

    Welcome to HealthTech Summit

    Language: English

  • 09:10

    Rafael Beyar, Professor, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Alive Venture Fund & Entrepreneur

    Mega trends in healthcare innovation

    What does the future of healthcare innovation look like and how do we attract investments to health innovation? What role does data play in future health innovation?

    Language: English

  • 09:30

    Ronni Gamzu, Professor, CEO, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel

    The role of hospitals, clinicians and caretaker in driving innovation

    How is it you drive innovation at Sourasky?
    How much do you invest (funds and other resources) in an initial idea?
    How do you attract corporates and what services do you offer them?

    Language: English

  • 09:55

    Bente Ourø, Hospital Director, Hospital of Northern Zealand, Denmark (upper left), Jonas Dahl, CEO, Randers Regional Hospital, Denmark (lower left), Rafael Beyar, Professor, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Alive Venture Fund & Entrepreneur (upper right) Ronni Gamzu, Professor, CEO, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel (lower right)

    Panel: The role of hospitals, clinicians and caretaker in driving innovation

    We have heard different perspectives on how to think and do innovation. How do Denmark strengthen the role of hospitals in driving innovation and where do we struggle? How do hospitals generate results from innovation activities and is it worth it? How do you attract investors? How do we collaborate on innovation internationally?

    Language: English

  • 10:20

    Martin Vesterby, PhD, Healthtech Adoption Manager, Health Tech Hub Copenhagen, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, Visikon and Lecturer, Aarhus University

    From idea to adoption - Why is it so difficult to find a home for Health Tech to grow

    We often celebrate the good idea or the grand vision for the use of Health Tech – but what about those who take the first steps and actually put the good ideas to work. The individuals who implement the great Health Tech visions. Those who bring new solutions into operation, where they provide value to our patients and healthcare professionals in both sectors.

    Language: English

  • 10:35

    Pitch Session

    The companies and private & public partners will present their exhibition on the marketplace

    Language: English

  • 10:45

    Networking, coffee and exploring the market place

  • 11:10

    Sessions on healthtech innovation

    See below programme

    Language: English/Danish

  • 12:10

    Lunch, networking and exploring the market place

  • 13:10

    Stine Mølgaard Sørensen, COO & Co-founder of Radiobotics (left), Jan Beger, Senior Director, Digital Ecosystem Europe, GE Healthcare (right)

    Will the adaption of AI in medical imaging happen through partnerships?

    Driving adoption at scale for new solutions like AI can be challenging for both large and small companies, because of uncertainties in the market and the risk that follows accordingly. Being a large and successful corporation, the dilemma between building, acquiring, or partnering to be on the fire front, is often a challenging part of any strategy - and potentially AI in medical imaging has shown to be a great match where startups and larger companies with market access can excel together. This is exactly what Jan and Stine will address in their talk.

    Language: English

  • 13:30

    Sys Zoffmann Glud, Managing Director, BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme, University of Aarhus and Copenhagen University (upper left), Søren Niemi Helsø, Medical Doctor and Board Member, Danish Medical Association (lower left), Helle Pappot, Professor, dr.med., Chief Physician, Rigshospitalet (upper right), Julie Kofoed, Patient representative, Gigtforeningen (lower right)

    Panel debate: Patient centered innovation

    The need for targeted healthcare solutions is emerging all over the world. New solutions are developed at an unseen pace. Yet, putting these technologies into use remains a slow process. Further, it has proven particularly difficult to ensure that the solutions developed fit the everyday life of clinicians and patients. How do we ensure that there is a better match between the solutions developed and the need in the healthcare sector?

    What is the role of the patient in innovation? How do we incorporate new technologies based on patient preferences into clinical practice? How do we ensure that we don’t developed health tech solutions in vain? Are there any innovation models that have proven successful which we should consider? Are we too caught up with the idea of being fast that we forget that innovation and change is not necessarily a quick-fix or a one size fits all, but it also entails new forms of collaboration e.g. co-creation, change management etc.

    Language: Danish

  • 14.10

    Pitch session

    The companies and private & public partners will present their exhibition on the marketplace

    Language: English

  • 14:20

    Network, coffee and exploring the marketplace

  • 14:45

    Jonathan Gertler, M.D., Partner, BioVentures, CEO, Backbay Life science & M&A

    Healthtech investments and attraction of capital

    Language: English

  • 15:15

    Stephanie Lose, Regional Council Chairman in Southern Denmark and Chairman, Danish Regions

    Denmark as a leading healthtech nation

    When it comes to medical technology, Denmark is one of Europe’s leading medical technology nations. Innovation and business growth within healthcare innovation is one of Denmark’s key business strengths. But we can do better to become world leading when it comes to Healthtech and health innovation. We need to strengthen the collaboration amongst the different actors within the Danish Health tech ecosystem with the aim to improve processes and patient outcomes. Everyone with ideas on how to improve the Danish healthcare system is invited to join the journey.

    Language: Danish

  • 15:30

    Randi Brinckmann, dean faculty of health sciences, Københavns Professionshøjskole (left), Tobias Bøggild-Damkvist, Patient Representative and CEO, Type1.Dk – Diabetes Think Tank (middle), Sofie Grue Haumann, Head Of Strategic Communication & Marketing, Enversion A/S (right)

    The future of healthtech and health innovation: Three different perspectives

    Language: Danish

  • 16:00

    Clayton Hamilton, Regional Adviser, Digital Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

    A Europe fit for the digital age

    The 53 countries in the WHO European have adopted digital technologies to prevent and mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic at an unprecedented rate. In this presentation we examine the ways in which technology has been used in Europe since the start of the pandemic and what lessons we can draw upon to shape a future of health and well-being in Europe that embraces values of gender, equity, and human rights.

    Language: English

  • 16:20

    The Hermit - Healthtech adoption awards

    The winner of each of the three categories will be announced.
    Hosted by Healthtech Hub Copenhagen represented by Martin Vesterby 

    Language: English

  • 16:35

    Thank you for today

  • 16:40 - 18:00

    Network and bubbles

Session 1: Successful health innovation in hospitals

Major progress has been performed in accelerating the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics, and digital solutions to provide healthcare. However, sparking innovation at hospitals is a challenging endeavor. One of the main difficulties is the lack of a direct relationship between investment in innovation and achievement of results in patient experience. Creating a culture of innovation at the hospital is crucial to succeed as well as having the resources, competencies, and agile processes in place.

The panel of experts represent different innovation environments around the world. They will discuss ways of accelerating innovation at the hospital. How do you create an innovative culture and how do you put innovation on the top of the agenda of busy clinicians every day? What does it take to drive innovation toward a new standard of care for patients? How do you select the right innovations which potentially comes from a wide range of different players?

Language: English


Dr. Nicky Libeermann, Head of Community Medicin, Clalit Health Services

Dr. Gabriela Apiou, Director Strategic Alliances Mass General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and Director of Translational Research Core at Mass General Hospital, Wellman Center for Photomedicine (USA) 

Dr. Thomas Andresen Professor at DTU Health Tech and CEO of T-Cypher Bio (Denmark/United Kingdom)

Jane Bjerregaard Rasmussen, Head of Innovation, Aalborg University Hospital

Moderator: Erik Jylling, Executive Vice President Danish Regions 

Dr. Gabriela Apiou, Director Strategic Alliances Mass General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and Director of Translational Research Core at Mass General Hospital, Wellman Center for Photomedicine (USA) (upper left), Dr. Thomas Andresen Professor at DTU Health Tech and CEO of T-Cypher Bio (Denmark/United Kingdom) (lower left), Jane Bjerregaard Rasmussen, Head of Innovation, Aalborg University Hospital (middle) Dr. Nicky Lieberman, Head of Community Medicine Division, Clalit Health Services, Israel (upper right) Erik Jylling, Executive Vice President, Danish Regions (lower right)

Session 2: Commercializing health innovation and healthtech

More and more hospitals in innovation hotspots are taking on an active role in driving innovation to meet the needs of healthcare. A crucial component of harnessing health innovation is strong hospital-university-industry collaboration in spinning-off and commercialising new solutions for the benefit of patients globally.

The panel of experts from Denmark, Israel and the US will discuss ways of accelerating collaborations between hospitals, universities and industry, address challenges of commercialising innovation and explore ways to foster international collaborations.

Language: English


Eyal Zimlichman, Chief Innovation & Medical Officer, Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Jens Nielsen, CEO, Bioinnovation Institute Foundation (BII)

Mikael Ploug Boeson, Chief physician and professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital

Moderator: Ole Kring, Partner, Danish Growth Fund 

Ole Kring, Partner, Danish Growth Fund (upper left) Mikael Ploug Boeson, Chief physician and professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital (lower left) Eyal Zimlichman, Chief Innovation & Medical Officer, Sheba Medical Center, Israel (lower right) Jens Nielsen, CEO, Bioinnovation Institute Foundation (BII) (upper right)

Session 3: Compentencies – A key to health innovation

If Denmark is to succeed in increasing the use of new technologies and constantly innovate health tasks in hospitals, nursing homes and elder care, the key component is the staff. It is vital, that the future health professionals possess an extensive understanding of the technologies and of the importance of digitalization. It is also vital that the staff is included when decisions are made.

This session focus on how we can create the best conditions for the use of new technologies and for structural and continuous innovation in the health sector by investing in the skills of the present and future staff.

Language: English


11.10-11.25: Interaction between the profession and the technology

Finn Olesen, Associate Professor, PhD, Aarhus University

11.25-11.55: Dialogue: ‘How health employers’ competencies can be a key to health innovation?’

Michael Bech, Head of Reseach, Professor, VIVE Health

Noëlle Larsen, Nurse and Inventor, Neurological Department, Bornholm’s Hospital

Niels Milo Poulsen, director, Halsnæs Kommune

Moderator: Pernille Ravn Jakobsen, Seniorconsultant, PhD, CEO & co-founder, University College South Denmark and OSAIA Health

Kl. 11.55-12.10: Dialogue with the audience


Noëlle Larsen, Nurse and Inventor, Neurological Department, Bornholm’s Hospital (upper left) Finn Olesen, Associate Professor, PhD, Aarhus University (lower left) Pernille Ravn Jakobsen, Seniorconsultant, PhD, CEO & co-founder, University College South Denmark and OSAIA Health (middle) Michael Bech, Head of Reseach, Professor, VIVE Health (upper right) Niels Milo Poulsen, Director, Halsnæs Kommune (lower right)


The Healthtech Summit will also include the award show for people in the healthcare sector that enable clever health tech solutions through adoption. Please nominate who should be the winners in three categories: Frontline (including GPs, EMS, community health workers), specialist, cross-sector. 

Site Visit to Healthcare Denmark and Odense Robotics 1 October

Healthcare Denmark and Odense Robotics presents the opportunity to partake in an exclusive site visit and deep dive into the most recent trends and knowledge within the field of robotics in healthcare. 
Odense has long been known globally as “Robotic valley” and Odense Robotics is a brand that is recognised globally. But what is the secret to this success? And do you actually succeed in realising the full potential when using robotics in healthcare?
This exclusive visit to Odense will allow you to deep dive into how to fully achieve success when implementing robotics in healthcare as well as provide you with the opportunity to explore and try out hands on some of the latest examples of innovative robots for healthcare.

Departure from Copenhagen to Odense is scheduled for 9:00 and expect to return to Copenhagen at 16:00. The event is free of charge. However, you need to sign up for the visit through your registration on the right side.
There is a limited number of seats available and registration is therefore tentative and will be confirmed later. You can expect confirmation from August 15 and onwards. For questions about the event, contact chief adviser at Healthcare Denmark Katrine Vedel on +45 31 32 52 33 or by email kav@hcd.dk