Climate Change Adaptation Towards 2025: Experiences from Denmark and The Netherlands
This session will highlight the climate change adaptation efforts and experiences from Denmark and the Netherlands, as well as highlight some of the innovative solutions for cities to future risks and challenges as a results of climate change.

Cities around the world increasingly face the adverse effects of climate change, including rising sea levels, climbing temperatures, longer periods of drought and stronger storms. When combining these phenomena with the challenges of increasing urbanisation and the fact that most cities have extensive areas of impermeable surfaces, the need for rethinking urban development is clear.
Climate adaptation seeks to lower the risks posed by the consequences of climate change, including flooding that arises from extreme rain events. Over the next decade, both the Netherlands and Denmark will invest heavily on adapting its cities to climate changes, and both nations have already implemented several efforts in climate adaptation. A key aim is to combine climate change adaptation with urban development and gain greater value. Instead of expanding the underground sewage system, municipalities and utilities are collaborating on making dual-purpose solutions.
In this respect, Nature Based Solutions (NBS) can play a key role in urban water management and contribute to building cities that are attractive for people to live, work and play in.
FME, IQ, The Embassy of Copenhagen, the Regional Business Development Team Nordics & Baltic, The Confederation of Danish Industry and State of Green are organizing a webinar about Climate Change Adaption experiences on June 21, 2pm-3pm.
- Introduction by moderator, Svend-Erik Jepsen, Head of Water and Climate Adaptation at the Confederation of Danish Industri
Climate neutral cities towards 2025
- Presentation: Rotterdam’s Climate Change Adaptation plan and key solutions by Johan Verlinde, programme manager Rotterdam WeatherWise
- Presentation: Copenhagen’s Climate adaptation plan and key solutions by Lykke Leonardsen, Head of Program for Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions, City of Copenhagen
- Panel discussion: what are future challenges and how do we solve them?
- Ole Schrøder, Founding Partner, TREDJE NATUR
- Johan Verlinde, Programme Maanager, City of Rotterdam
- Roy Janssen, Marketing Director, Rockflow, ROCKWOOL Group
- Martin van Rijn, Director of product management, Staal Instruments
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