WEBINAR: The COVID-19 outbreak is jolting markets, disrupting supply chains and is causing significant uncertainty for businesses and decision makers around the world. This webinar offers you Danish insights into the current situation in South. Read more and register for the webinar.
The COVID-19 outbreak is jolting markets, disrupting supply chains and is causing significant uncertainty for businesses and decision makers around the world.
This webinar offers an introduction to the successful South Korean response to COVID-19 and the current economic situation followed by market insights and presentation of areas of opportunities for Danish companies in South Korea in light of the ambitious South Korean plans for economic recovery and green transition.
09:05 Welcome by Søren Falck, Leading International Advisor, DI
09:10 Snapshot of Korea by H.E. Einar Hebogård Jensen, Danish Ambassador to Korea
09:30 New Deal and Green Recovery by Rasmus Bjørnø, Commercial Concellor, Seoul
09:40 Energy, Offshore, Marine and Defence by Ethan Kim, Senior Commercial Advisor
10:00 Tech and Urban solutions by Dongah Ko, Innovation Officer
10.15 Lifestyle and E-commerce, Julia Kim, Senior Commercial Advisor
10.30 The South Korean Food Sector by Nahee Kim, Commercial Advisor
10.45 Health and Life Science in Korea by Jaemi Lee, Senior Commercial Advisor
11:00 Webinar concludes