
The Danish tax system online Q&A

Is opening your tax assessment notice a nail-biting experience? It doesn't have to be! Join our free Danish tax system online Q&A and get familiar with the Danish tax system.

Soon your tax assessment notice will be available to you and with it comes the information of whether you’re in for a nice surprise or not. We are here to help you out and answer the questions you may have about the tax assessment or just in general about taxes.

The Danish tax system online Q&A will be held live on April 10 where you'll be able to ask the Danish Tax Agency your tax questions.

Prepare for the live Q&A by watching a prerecorded video on the Danish tax system made by the Confederation of Danish Industry, International House Copenhagen and the Danish Tax Agency. Here, the Danish Tax Agency gives you an introduction to the Danish tax system including what your tax money is spent on and how you pay the right amount of tax.

Watching the video before attending the live Q&A is a requirement to avoid repetitive questions so we can ensure the best possible event. Watch the video already now here: Watch the video

The Q&A will not be recorded and send afterwards. You must log in live if you want to watch it.

This seminar is tailored for internationals who are living and working in Denmark.

Ida Andersen

Ida Andersen

Konsulent, International People & Mobility

Cecilie Langkilde Marcussen

Cecilie Langkilde Marcussen

Koordinator, Support Rådgivning