Water Sector in Romania - New Market Opportunities
Join this webinar and meet the Danish Ambassador in Romania and key experts in the water sector in Romania. The webinar offers an overview of the recent development of the water sector as well as the waste water sector in Romania and promising new market opportunities for Danish companies.

The aim of the webinar is to show the potential for Danish companies in the water sector in Romania.
Meet the Danish Ambassador in Romania, who will give his perspective on green investments in Romania, and learn how the Trade Council can help Danish companies with interests in the water sector in Romania.
Furthermore, you will meet business leaders from Grundfos and Ramboll in the country, who will share their knowledge about the water sector as well as waste water sector in Romania, and you will be able to ask questions to them via the chat function.
In 2019 Romania’s water distribution network had a length of nearly 85.000 km, and more than 750.000 million m3 was distributed through the system. Approximately 70% of the total population of nearly 20 million people were connected to a public water supply system. In cities, 99% of inhabitants were connected to this system, whereas in rural areas only 35% had access to the drinkable water network.
The waste water network sums up 38.449 km in length, out of which 25.500 km are in cities and towns.
Only 54 % of the population is connected at public waste water systems, meaning over 10 million inhabitants.
There are major EU investment projects regarding the water and waste water sectors in Romania. Altogether there are 23 projects approved for this sector with a value of 4.2 billion €. In addition, a total sum of 2.4 billion € is available between 2021-2027 for water projects. Thereby, the transformation of the Romanian water and waste water sector poses is an interesting new market opportunity for Danish companies.
14:00 |
Welcome and introduction Mr. Jens Holst-Nielsen, Director, Global Trade and Marked Development, Confederation of Danish Industry |
14:05 |
Romania: Country and marketplace HE the Danish Ambassador to Romania Mr. Søren Jensen and Head of Trade Mr. Razvan Stroe, The Trade Council in Romania. |
14:20 |
Grundfos and the water sector in Romania Ms. Alina Gheorghe, Country Manager, Grundfos Romania. |
14:40 |
Ramboll and the water sector in Romania Mr. Silviu Stoica, General Manager, Ramboll SEE in Romania. |
15:00 |
Conclusions Mr. Jens Holst-Nielsen, Director, Global Trade and Market Development, Confederation of Danish Industry |
15:05 |
Finish |