Healthtech Presummit 2021
We are bringing you four keynote speakers from USA, Israel, and Denmark to give you a sneak peek of the upcoming Healthtech Summit on September 30, 2021 !
With Healthtech Presummit, we are warming up for Healthtech Summit 2021. On September 30, a long list of public and private partners invite you to join us. It will be an exciting day where both national and international representatives from the entire healthtech ecosystem present their perspectives on healthtech innovation. Healthtech Summit aims to create a greater political focus on healthtech and health innovation by showcasing concrete models, solutions and insights.
Rewatch Healthtech Presummit
What are the mega trends in healthcare? What is the role of hospitals and clinicians in driving innovation? How do we attract investments to healthtech innovation? On March 16, we invited four experts to present their perspectives on healthtech innovation.
- Andrew Rubin, Vice President, Medical Center for Clinical and Ambulatory Affairs, NYU Langone, USA
- Ronni Gamzu, Hospital Director, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel
- Bente Ourø Rørth, Hospital Director, North Zealand Hospital, Denmark
- Jonathan P. Gertler, MD, CEO, Back Bay Life Science Advisors, Managing Director, BioVentures MedTech Funds, USA
Moderator: Martin Vesterby, Health Tech Adoption Partner, HealthTech Hub Copenhagen.