The PDC Plan Solution
DI Digital Casebank: PDC A/S

Virksomhedsnavn: PDC A/S
Lokation: Brøndby, Danmark
Størrelse: 120 medarbejdere
Branche: IT
Kontakt: Ole Grønskov
+45 36 36 00 00
Tags: Industri 4_0; Cloud; Planlægning; Vagtplanlægning; Produktionsplanlægning; Ressourceplanlægning; Optimering; Ressourceoptimering; Healthtech; Overenskomster; BudgetØkonomi; Medarbejderinvolvering; Medarbejdertilfredshed
The PDC Plan
"Work shift planning" has been PDC's core competency for many years and the PDC Plan solution is based on our expertise in workforce, agreements, rules, finances, and payroll administration.
We provide private companies and the healthcare system in Denmark with solutions that optimize the use of their most valuable assets: the employees.
The purpose of PDC Plan is to ensure fair, uniform, legal and transparent shift planning. This is followed by lower labor costs, increased productivity, less administration and the attraction and retention of happy employees.
PDC Plan Characteristics
PDC Plan is an all-in-one solution that is used across all employee groups and in all phases from planning, distribution of shift plans to daily operational management, and salary calculation.
PDC Plan assists the planner in dealing with the complexity of covering the company's needs for employees with different skills while complying with all laws and regulations.
Depending on the customers' needs and characteristics, PDC can choose between 8 different planning methods, ranging from rolling out the simpler basic plans to complex, automatic planning of shifts and tasks in industries where staffing needs are dynamic and vary widely.
First, many trivial tasks are automated. Hundreds of complex rules, agreements and restrictions are handled, which are almost impossible to oversee manually. PDC Plan provides a good overview of the staffing situation and the outstanding issues that need to be resolved.
With PDC Plan for planners and department managers, a large amount of routine work is eliminated. Of course, it goes quickly, just as an employee-app directly involves the employees in the planning and thus relieves the shift planner.
Employees can submit requests for shifts and time off, as well as exchange shifts with colleagues. This way, staff involvement contributes to creating a balance between work life and leisure life for the individual employee. This gives greater accountability, commitment, and loyalty among staff which often results in reduced absence due to sickness.
In PDC, we expect to see employees who will increase their tenure and thus increase the workforce in certain industries.
The staff app also gives the employees access to all information about their shifts, hourly accounts, time off, etc. These statements make it easy for the individuals to check their pay slip and determine whether there should be any errors in the pay.
All in all, PDC’s solution suite gives security to the employee and credibility to the employer.
Target Group
PDC Plan is particularly suitable in larger companies and organizations where shift planning is complicated by, for example:
- Many employees (+500) and a lot of administration
- Complicated agreements and rules,
- Requirements for employee skills,
- Working hours that extend beyond 8-16,
- Varying staffing needs
Examples of industries that can benefit from PDC Plan are hospitals, care homes, retail trade, prisons, airports, ferry companies, TV stations, ambulance services, etc.