Delivering on EU 2050 climate ambitions
The role of renewable electricity and energy efficient solutions in the heating and cooling sector.

In the light of the Commission Communication on the 2050 long-term strategy - A Clean Planet For All - we would like to invite you to our joint conference Delivering on EU 2050 climate ambitions: The role of renewable electricity in the heating and cooling sector on 22 January 2019 from 10.00-12.00 am.
Heating and cooling in buildings and industry accounts for more than 50 per cent of EU’s energy consumption. Wind and solar energy will be among the leading energy sources in our future energy system. This development will challenge our energy system as high shares of renewables will require new ways of managing our energy system.
Sector coupling is technically and economically feasible today. While the technologies necessary to make the energy system cleaner and more energy efficient are already available, their costs are falling drastically. This provides a possibility for European companies to seize the opportunities in climate leadership and green business. Moreover, integration of renewables into district heating and cooling systems already has a proven track record in many European countries.
We hope that you will join our conference and take part in the discussion on finding solutions to these challenges to the benefit of the growing business opportunities as we integrate more renewables into the heating and cooling sector in the years to come.
09.30 a.m. Registration & networking
10.00 a.m. Welcome and opening remarks
Troels Ranis, Director DI Energy, Danish Energy Industries Federation
10.10 a.m. How do we achieve a low carbon heating and cooling sector?
Hans Van Steen, Director for renewables, research, innovation and energy efficiency European Commission
10.25 a.m. District heating and renewable electricity: the perfect partners Session I
Paul Voss, Managing Director Euroheat and Power
10.35 a.m. From politics today to energy tomorrow – Panel I
Panel debate: Jeppe Kofod, Member of the European Parliament; Sean Kelly, Member of the European Parliament; Mara Missouri Gajic, Head of International Marketing & Development, Muller Group; Folker Franz, Head of Government Relations EU, ABB
11.05 a.m. Heating, cooling and renewable electricity: the perfect partners session II
Kristian Ruby, Secretary General Eurelectric
11.15 a.m. Energy efficient, renewable, smart – The role of heat pumps as integrator solutions
Holger Thamm, Chair of the Advocacy and Communication Committee, European Heat Pump Association
11.20 a.m. From politics today to energy tomorrow – Panel II
Panel debate: Morten Helveg Petersen, Member of the European Parliament; Marcus Witt, Vice President for Asset Management, Vattenfall; Stephan Kolb, Director Industry Affairs, Danfoss; Meredith Annex, Head of Heat Analysis, BloombergNEF
11.50 a.m. End of conference
Dries Acke, Director Energy Systems Programme, European Climate Foundation