
District Heating in Germany

Join this webinar to get an overview of new developments with a particular insight into plans and appetite for new district energy solutions in the state of Hessen - which is new to many Danish companies, but promising and interesting, nevertheless. 19 June from 13.00-14.30.

Investment - Expansion - Modernization
The district heating sector in Germany is investing in further expansion and modernization through engaged cities and utilities supplemented by earmarked funds from both federal and regional levels. The district heating has found its place as an energy efficient heat source supporting Germany's target of climate neutrality by 2050.

Denmark is Engaged
Denmark is well connected to the sector through long-standing collaboration at industry level accompanied by dialogue between energy authorities to further strengthening the expansion of district heating in Germany. The Trade Council, the Consulate General in Hamburg, DI Energy, DBDH and the Danish Energy Agency collaborate to build on the promising business potential within district heating in Germany, enabling Danish industry to engage further.

Key Stakeholders Share Insights
At this webinar, we look at plans and opportunities in the state of Hessen, which is new to many Danish companies, but promising and interesting, nevertheless. This webinar will focus on Hessen's appetite for new district energy solutions. Dr. Dietrich Schmidt, Department of Power and Heat Systems at Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel will give an introduction to the market potential in Hessen and an insight into the trends that affect the market in tandem with the German Wärmewende. Regional President Ole Møller Jensen will present Danfoss’ experiences from many years in Germany – and in particular in Hessen which they know particularly well from having their production site there. Finally, Stadtwerke Gießen AG will present their plans to expand the district heating business in a more innovative and sustainable direction.

Join – Learn - Link
By participating in this webinar, you will gain insight into a developing market and get new insights from important market players and experts. 


13.00 Welcome and Introduction                         
Senior Advisor Hans Peter Slente, Danish Energy Industries Federation  

13.05 Wärmewende in Germany in a Danish Perspectives 
Senior Energy Advisor, Dänische Fernwärme Allianz, Christian Bjerrum Jørgensen, Danish Embassy in Berlin  

13.20 Challenges and Possibilities within District Heating in Hessen – and Germany
Regional President Central Europe, Ole Møller Jensen, Danfoss VP Business Development and Product Portfolio Miha Bobic, Danfoss

13.40 Innovation and Trends in a Transitioning Heating Market
Head of Department for Power and Heat Systems, Dr. Dietrich Schmidt, Fraunhofer IEE

14.00 Pläne und Entwicklungen bei den Stadtwerke Gießen AG (in German / auf Deutsch)
Leiter Wärmeversorgung Matthias Fink, Stadtwerke Gießen AG

14.20 Questions and Answers – Join the Chat  

14.30 Summing up and Next Steps

Moderator: Senior Advisor Morten Jordt Duedahl, Danish Board of District Heating