
Romanian-Danish Dialogue for an Effective Energy Transition

Romania goes green

You are hereby invited to discover Romania, a country which is well ahead on the green transition journey. Romania is home to the biggest onshore windfarm in the EU and renewable energy accounts for 40% of the electricity consumption and 24% of the total energy mix. Romania is also the second largest natural gas producer in the EU. Under the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, Romania will receive 29.2 billion euro until 2026, of which 41% is allocation to measures supporting the green transition.

Meet the stakeholders

At this energy business roundtable, the Romanian Vice-Minister for Energy, as well as leading energy companies from Romania and Denmark will provide an overview of the dynamic green transition in Romania and the strong market opportunities for Danish companies. The meeting provides an opportunity to engage in a direct discussion with Romania’s Vice-Minister for Energy, Mr. George Niculescu, and leading Romanian and Danish companies.

Anne Rosted

Anne Rosted


Hans Peter Slente

Hans Peter Slente

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