
North Rhine-Westphalia Denmark Energy Meeting

Meet German Business Representatives within Hydrogen, CCS, Infrastructure and Utilities

North Rhine-Westphalia Climate Neutral by 2045
NRW is Germany’s most densely populated federal state and the largest energy consumer. It is an economic locomotive for Germany and one of the most dynamic economic regions in Europe. NRW aims to become carbon neutral by 2045. This poses tremendous challenges that policymakers, business, science and society at large will have to tackle together. As a highly industrialized state, the changeover to climate neutrality, while strengthening the position as a prime location for manufacturing, involves enormous efforts.

Visiting Denmark for inspiration and collaboration
NRW’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy, Mona Neubaur, will visit Denmark in search of inspiration and collaboration. With her, she brings a relevant and dedicated business delegation of strong energy companies and utilities based in NRW. Their aim is to bring home new concepts, solutions and partnerships to help meet the climate and energy challenge. This visit is part of an ongoing energy collaboration between the federal state of NRW and Denmark, anchored in the Danish Energy Agency.

Hydrogen and CCUS
During their visit, the delegation aims to learn from Danish project and partners with a particular focus on green hydrogen and CCUS. The delegation consists of 20 companies – including several utilities in combined heat and power and gas and several large energy and industry groups. See the delegation list to the right. 

The programme consists of four segments enabling a useful exchange and contact.

  • Presentations of energy challenges and policies from NRW and DK
  • Presentation of relevant Danish and NRW projects – with a focus on hydrogen and CCUS
  • Company introductions
  • B2B Contact and networking

See the full programme to the right. 

Interested companies are invited to join a further networking session with the visiting delegation. This takes place on the same day at 15.00-17.00 at ARC. It is possible to add this option in your registration.

Join now
If you are interested in learning more about the plans in NRW and possibly want to engage further, this is an excellent opportunity when DI Energy and partners invite you to join this knowledge and business contact meeting. Sign up to the right. 

NRW Carbon Management Strategy (fact box)
In 2021, NRW published its Carbon Management Strategy, listing key measures that can contribute to reducing carbon intensity and sustainable carbon use. The strategy can be seen as a first step towards a national Carbon Management Strategy for Germany, which is expected to be published in late summer 2023. Se more through these links:

Carbon Management Strategy of NRW

NRW Hydrogen Strategy (fact box)
A quarter of the current CO2 emissions in NRW can be saved by hydrogen alone. Large quantities of hydrogen are primarily required for NRW’s energy-intensive industry. This also presents opportunities arising from the wide range of hydrogen-related technologies that need to be developed and produced for NWR building a hydrogen economy. See more through this link:

Hydrogen Roadmap of NRW

Hans Peter Slente

Hans Peter Slente

Fagleder for grøn energieksport

Anne Rosted

Anne Rosted
