
Conversionboost 2022

Konference om optimering af digitalt salg

Så er det igen tid til Danmark eneste event med 100% fokus på at øge konverteringsraten: Conversionboost.

Kom og bliv inspireret til hvordan I kan få mere ud af jeres marketingbudget, ved at sikre, at mere af trafikken til hjemmesiden konverteres til betalende kunder.


Det handler om alle former for e-handel, salgspsykologi, adfærddesign, split-test, UX, Growth Hacking og meget mere.

Til vores 10 års jubilæum har vi igen samlet 8 specialister og bedt dem om at dele deres cases, erfaringer, overvejelser og gode råd til hvordan du arbejder effektivt med konverteringsoptimering.

Kom ud af coronaens skygge og mød 199 andre med samme interesse når vi den 15. marts inviterer til Conversionboost i Industriens Hus på Rådhuspladsen.

08.00 Registration is open from 08.00

The time has come. You are ready to boost your conversion rates.
Sign in and step up your game. Fasten your seatbelts and here we go!

09.00 Celebrating 10 years of Conversionboost

Ole Gregersen · Conversionboost founder

So many websites yet to improve. So many conversions, so much revenue.
It is time to sit down and let inspiration flow into your brain. 

We are honored that you chose to spend the day with us. Now enjoy!

09.20 Behavioral Science for Landing Pages

Brian Massey · Conversion Scientist at Conversion Sciences

All the way from Texas. With a lab coat and a mission!

10.20 Introducing Historian, a CRO tool start-up

Historian founders

Historian will keep an constant eye on the website, looking for changes to the site itself as well as changes in user behavior, it automatically generates insights. For instance, “The changes made to the front page on the 2nd of February resulted in a 12% higher conversion rate for traffic landing on it”. These insights are pushed in social stream format, with the possibility of drilling down and further analyzing.

10.50 First Short Break

OMG! You are actually networking IRL!

11.10 Concept != Execution

Erin Weigel · Senior Design Manager at Deliveroo

In this talk Erin shares what she learned after running over 1,200 experiments – complete with examples of what worked and why things failed.

11.50 Optimizing now | Sear your organization with real ROI

Paul Crisp · CMO at Symplify

Optimizing and A/B testing is widely known to go hand in hand. It’s a failsafe way of making the most out of your money. However, how often do you step outside of the box that is your website and get other parts of the organization involved? Is your CRO team working only with A/B testing and experimenting or are you making sure everyone is involved?

In order to truly take advantage of A/B testing, it is important to remember that it is also a crucial part of working data-driven across the entire organization. We will talk about this and how you can involve more parts of your organization in your A/B testing and experimentation so that your entire business becomes truly data-driven. Including real-world use cases and examples.

12.30 Lunch time

“Uden mad og drikke, dur helten ikke” – is the danish saying. It’s all about heros, food and how those two goes to together in the pursuit of success. 

13.20 What every CRO-specialist should know about GA4

Gunnar Griese / Christian-Doeleman-Lassen · IIH Nordic

Are you ready for the newest version of Google Analytics? GA4 is replacing Universal Analytics, and a lot has changed. As a conversion specialist you should adapt to a new way of setting up events and conversion tracking, get used to new metrics and a new interface.

The interesting part is that GA4 also brings a lot of new features which should interest any CRO-specialists. Gunnar and Christian from IIH Nordic will present some of the most interesting ones, like the new Explore feature and machine learning audiences.

14.00 How to sustain CRO as a successful channel in an organization

Patrick Olsen · Growth.Studio

Conversion Rate Optimization shouldn’t be a one-off thing. Learn how you can integrate CRO into your organization to make it a channel that delivers continuous results.

14.40 Afternoon Tea

Hey, where’s the cake? Surely, there is cake. Ah, there it is.

15.00 Behavioral Sciences: 10 Behavior Patterns for E-Commerce Growth

André Morys · CEO at KonversionsKRAFT

Since 2010, the konversionsKRAFT team in Germany has been storing all results from their A/B tests in a database. Now, 12 years later, the database has a couple of thousand entries.

Most of the experiments are about applying psychological principles to ecommerce websites.

In his talk, André reveals some precious insights and easy-to-apply treatments he has found inside his database.

15.50-16.00 Bye bye: We hope you enjoyed the show

We will want to see you next year...

Styrk din faglige profil

E-handel, marketing, B2B salg og kundeoplevelser. Få unik viden og erfaringer gennem nyheder, analyser og events fra specialister, ligesindede handelsvirksomheder og DI Handel hver uge.

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