
Afholdt: ConversionBoost 2020

Putting sales back in marketing. En hel dag med 100 pct. fokus på online vækst og konverteringsoptimering.

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Putting sales back in marketing - er temaet for årets Conversionboost. Den årlige konference for online vækst og konverteringsoptimering. Inspirationsdagen der hjælper dig til at få flere salg ud af marketingbudgettet. Dagen hvor trafikken træder i baggrund, og fokus i stedet rettes mod, hvad der skal ske med den, når den lander på websitet. Hvor købmandsskab, UX, købspsykologi, adfærdsdesign og ikke mindst data vokser sammen til en velsmurt salgsmaskine. Om det er så sko, kurser, leads eller informationer der er til salg.

I online marketing i dag er det nemt at slippe forbindelsen mellem salg og marketing, selvom de to er en side af samme sag. Marketing bliver kampagner og kanaler og jagten på nye kundesegmenters opmærksomhed. Marketing budgettet stiger, men antallet af salg følger ikke efter. For alt for mange websites fungerer som elendige sælgere. Det er tid til at putte salget tilbage i marketing.

Konferencens målgruppe er marketingfolk, e-handlere, UX'ere og alle andre der har en finger med i at få websitet til levere værdi til virksomheden.

Kom og oplev 7 internationale talere booste din indsats og dit website. Bliv en bedre sælger - online style!

Læs, hvilke tiltag vi har igangsat i Industriens Hus under Corona, for at du kan føle dig tryg lige her: Mødecenter 


  • Ole Gregersen


    Ole er stifter af og moderator på ConversionBoost. Han er også selv optimerings- og UX konsulent og har arbejdet med flere større danske brands. Han er dog stadig sulten efter mere viden og netværk, hvorfor han bliver ved at samle folk til denne konference.

  • 09:00

    Check in & warm up

    The time has come. You are ready to boost your conversion rates.
    Sign in and step up your game. Fasten your seatbelts and here we go!

  • 09:20

    Ole Gregersen · Conversionboost founder

    Putting sales back in your marketing 2020

    Welcomes you all to a day of on-site conversion experiences.

    Enjoy sitting a our large round tables, with ample room for your laptop, notes, drinks and ambitions.

  • 09:40

    Mogens Møller · CEO and founder of Sleeknote

    eCommerce Best Practices 2020

    Even the biggest online stores in the world make huge mistakes online regarding usability and conversion optimization.

    I’ve been user testing the five biggest online stores in the five biggest industries, such as Amazon, Zalando, Asos, Wish, AliExpress. This means I’ve seen with my own eyes what works and what doesn’t work. Also, what you can copy and what you should never consider implementing.

    Expect a presentation full of practical cases and takeaways both for desktop and mobile.

  • 10:20

    Jacob Kildebogaard, Media Director, partner / COO at Ambition

    Higher conversion rate with customer segmenting model and insights

    Your ecommerce conversion rate and lead-to-sale rate wants your attention. It wants you to stop looking at Google Analytics data, test data and tool data. It wants you to analyze your customer data instead, segmenting your customers and use these insights to improve your performance.

    Who are your best costumers? What are the buying patterns and buying behaviour? From this discovery you will know where to optimize.

    And this relates not only to ecommerce, but is also highly relevant for lead generating businesses. Get inspired on how to increase your conversion rate from lead to sale.

  • 10:50

    Short Break

  • 11:10

    Lotte Larsen · Partner at mindberry

    How to increase conversions with the help of non-converting visitors

    To help us grow our clients’ businesses, we carry out extensive research. In doing so, we have discovered one simple method that almost always reveals an easy way to increase a company’s sales. It works like magic on any business. It is: research to understand the assumptions in the minds of non-buyers.

    In this talk, we’ll share insights from our own client projects to show:

    - Concrete examples of how we use user research to find out about conversion obstacles

    - Situations where visitors seemed to be saying No, yet were really saying something else.

    - Tips on how to get back actionable information to improve conversions.
    - “Golden questions” that we use to reveal exactly why visitors aren’t converting

  • 11:50

    Christian Doeleman-Lassen, Head of SEO & CRO at IIH Nordic

    Conversion Rate Optimization – The Secret Sauce of SEO

    The overall user experience and user signals are becoming more and more important ranking factors in Google’s search engine algorithm. Google is no longer just ranking websites based on content and links but is also collecting data on how people are interacting with your website, how long time a user spends on your website and if they return to your site.

    This implies that some of the insights and methodologies we have used as CRO specialists can now be used in your SEO strategy as well. In this presentation Christian will go through some of the UX elements that affects search engine rankings, and talk about why CRO is more important than ever before.

  • 12:20


  • 13:20

    Christian Holst, CEO and Research Specialist, Baymard Institute

    Findings from Testing the Worlds Leading Mobile E-Commerce Sites

    Christian Holst is the research director and co-founder of the Baymard Institute, where he’ve spearheaded more than 42,000 hours of large scale usability and UX testing of the worlds largest e-commerce sites – findings currently used by 71% of all Fortune 500 e-commerce companies. In his talk Christian will share some specific mobile test findings and insights on mobile user behavior, that most sites struggle with getting right.

  • 14:10

    Ton Wesseling · Evidence based growth at Online Dialogue

    From 1 CRO team to the whole company embracing CRO

    Conversion Rate Optimization and Digital Experiments, mostly A/B-testing, have been the holy grail for data-driven marketers in the last 10 years. Finally, we are really able to understand what makes a difference and what doesn’t.

    This field of work has grown (or will soon, in your company) from a small MacGyver practise to a dedicated A-team. A multi-disciplinary team that tries to grow the company by running as many digital experiments as possible. A maturity step most of us have been hoping for in the past few years, and it’s happening! But in the way it’s mostly evolving…. it won’t survive. It will not lead to the whole company embracing CRO.

    At Conversionboost Ton will share his learnings and failures to give you some inspiration on how to grow optimization in your company.

  • 14:50

    Afternoon Tea

  • 15:10

    How good is your gut?

    Guess the Test Special

    We do live split-testing results together – with special guest Deborah O’Malley from – find out how good your are at predicting proven split test results.

  • 15:30

    Michael Aagaard, Senior Conversion Optimizer

    Your Brain Is Lying To You

    Become A Better Marketer By Overcoming Confirmation Bias Have you ever resisted or ignored a piece of information because it posed a threat to your worldview? If you answered “yes,” you’re like most other human beings on the planet. In fact, according to the last 40 years of cognitive research, favouring information that confirms your worldview is extremely common human behaviour. Unfortunately, being biased towards information that confirms what we already believe often leads to errors in judgment and costly mistakes in marketing. But how can we overcome this?

    During this session you’ll learn:
    •The facts about confirmation bias and why it is such a dangerous pitfall for marketers
    •A framework for becoming aware of and overcoming your own confirmation bias
    •Hands-on techniques for cutting through the clutter and getting information rather than confirmation

  • 16:10

    See you next year!