
Aviation Conference 2022

Inspired by electric cars and the generel electrification of society, also aircraft manufacturers and developers have created new fuels, energies and new exciting opportunities for mobility in the air. Not least, it contributes to reduce the climate impact, create new technologies advances, new jobs and investments opportunities.

Just future music, and why an event now?

The first electric planes with quite a few seats are expected to be on the market within the next 2-3 years, and 9-19 seats a few years later.  Drones and eVTOL are already being tested. Passenger versions, 4-6 seats, may be operational in the middle of this decade.

Aircraft must be developed and certified, and business cases form the basic for decisions. Importantly, preconditions on the ground must be prepared. Adaptation of infrastructure, take-off and landing facilities, charging, power supply and standardizations must be prepared and decided.

Denmark is well on its way, and we have to learn from other countries experiences. A lot is on the table, and a lot has already started. Now we step up!

This event should clarify how far we are, which opportunities are next, what’s in the pipeline, who can do what, and what needs to be prepared.


    • 9.00-9.15 Welcome and overview

      Martin Porsgaard, NISA

    • 9.15-11.00 Electric aircraft development, experiences and news

    • 11.00-12.00 Hydrogen aircraft

    • 12.00-12.40 Lunch

    • 12.40-14.15 Drones and eVTOL

    • 14:30-15:30 Infrastructure

      What, when and how? New technology, infrastructure and necessary adaptations

    • 15.30-16.00 Regulations

    • 16.00-17.00 Development perspectives and co-operations

      The Nordics - forefront of air mobility and zero emissions?