Verification of digitally signed documents

Does your company export? The Confederation of Danish Industry is authorised to issue digitally signed documents. We issue your company's certificates of origin and export documents.

The Confederation of Danish Industry is accredited as Chamber of Commerce by ICC, Paris, and authorised to issue certificates of origin and export documents by the Danish Customs Authority (Toldstyrelsen).

As part of our services DI issues digitally signed certificates of origin. DI is committed to international standards, upholding a high level of digital security. In accordance with best practices we use two-factor authentication when issuing digital certificates of origin. Two-factor authentication is a layer of digital security ensuring that only our authorized personnel can issue digitally signed Certificates of origin applying a digital stamp and signature.

DI Chamber of Commerce

Vesterbrogade 1L
1620 København V

Phone:(+45) 3377 3478
Opening hours:9.00-15.00

Send us an E-mail
Anette Suhr Rasmussen

Anette Suhr Rasmussen

Editor of Exporter’s Guide

  • Direct +45 3377 3653
  • Mobile +45 2617 2203
  • E-mail

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