Læs de seneste udgaver af FEICA Connect
FEICA Connect er det kvartalsvise nyhedsbrev for FEICA-medlemmer. Alle, der interesserer sig for lim og fugemasse, kan dog læse med og få aktuelle opdateringer på, hvad der rører sig i den europæiske branche.
selvom det er et kvartalsvis nyhedsbrev er der senest udgivet to en maj-udgave og en juni-udgave.
I udgave nr. 52 (maj 2023) kan du bl.a. læse om
- The 2023 Conference & EXPO
- Webinar: 'Adhesives in the context of paper and board recycling'
- FEICA Position on PRR
- FEICA position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
- FEICA proposal regarding the extension of the GRA
- FEICA is new chair of DUCC
- Analysis of the introduction of a Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF)
- A&S’ unique properties in electronics and disassembly functions
- FEICA position on the revision of the CLP Regulation
- Good Practice Stories
- New FEICA member
- The AIA 2023 deadline is now! (AIA = Adhesion Innovative Award)
Find FEICA CONNECT nr. 52 for maj 2023 her
I udgave nr. 53 (juni 2023) kan du bl.a. læse om
- The FEICA 2023 Conference & EXPO Special Issue
- Adhesives in the context of paper & board recycling – state of play
- Hot-melt producers inspired to prioritise sustainability in packaging, nonwovens, and construction, by Smithers
- Member Portrait: Imerys
- AIA 2023: We have a winner!
- PU training deadline approaching
- International A&S Day
Find FEICA CONNECT nr. 53 her