UDGIVELSE: november 2018

Women mean business – Arab women breaking the glass ceiling


Women in the Middle East and North Africa are less likely to be part of the workforce
than in any other region in the world. Despite the fact that the level of education for
women has increased over the years, the effect has yet to be seen in the companies
and board rooms.

The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and the Danish Trade Union Council for
International Development Cooperation (LO/FTF Council) have joined together in
a partnership to promote social dialogue in the Middle East and North Africa. As a
part of the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme, DI and LO/FTF Council work in
four countries – Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan to promote decent jobs and
sustainable economic growth. An important part of this is quality education and equal
rights between men and women.

The four countries all face different challenges around gender. But what you will see
from the stories in this publication is that education plays a key role in promoting
gender equality.

Women mean business
