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The 4 C’s that deliver the impact

BridgeIT has changed its name to Empact - a journey made possible by strong partnerships with Lockheed Martin among others.

CTO, Jacob Larsen and CEO, Søren Bolvig.

Foto: Stina Dueholt

Empact is defining itself as being the odd fish when it comes to the defence industry. Not meant in a bad way, but simply because Empact is the only one delivering an employee engagement platform in Denmark for defence use. Thus, they are not having any Danish competitors in the defence industry, since their product is kind of a niche. They see more their colleagues in the industry as friends with common interests.

The big defence company Lockheed Martin spotted Empact in the crowd of suppliers.
- When we started working with Lockheed Martin, we had no idea where we going to land. We knew that we had a good product, and we knew that we were able to deliver the impact. But we did not know what it would mean for us in the long term. Because of Lockheed Martin among others, we have been able to start this rebranding process, where our core product now is more of an identity, explains CEO, Søren Bolvig.

Empowering the employees with one specific digital tool

Since 2006 Empact has helped organisations with their digital transformation, and it has ever since been their mission to connect employees in an organisation to make their work-life easier. The way employees are being connected is through an app that connects all the digital tools that one person might need in its daily routine - combined at one platform.

- If there is something that we have discovered it is that people often have a hard time finding their apps. There are too many systems, tools, and files, but with our solution employees get it all gathered in one place, explains Mr. Bolvig.  With the app the employees may interact more flexibly with each other and connecting and engaging with others becomes in general more easily accessible.
- Additionally, we have enriched our interface by making it relevant for the specific user. This means that if you only use 10% of its tools, the system will show you that 10%. In that way, you get one interface with the best practices on one single screen.

Empact is headquartered in Copenhagen, where they each day help companies increase employee engagement.

The 4 C’s of employee engagement

What Empact revealed was that their consumers had one thing in common: They needed access to communication, collaboration, competencies, and connectivity. By bringing the 4 C’s to the table Empact’s app engages an organisation’s employees and thus, it may be defined as ‘the 4 C’s of employee engagement.’

 - Easy communication among employees on all levels and the ability to develop competencies through gamification, social learning, and micro-learning are some of the things you will experience using the app. Additionally, users will be able to spread their best practices in the app, which can improve workflows. The user can also be connected to the right system with the correct privileges based on the employee’s role in the company, clarifies Mr. Bolvig. Hence, to gain efficiency people need to stay in the same universe and gain access, which is made possible with Empact’s app.


  • Has over 30+ employees
  • Has over 250,000+ users
  • Has offices in the US, Denmark and Romania
  • Has been cooperating with Lockheed Martin since 2017


Lockheed Martin: An important partner in the industry at many levels

Empact seeks to develop a clearer market position with the brand and because of that, they asked themselves the question: “Who are we? We are the impact.” Thus, the rebranding from BridgeIT to Empact has been their priority in 2020-2021 and during Spring 2021 the name change took effect.
Right now Empact has over 30 employees, and CTO, Jacob Larsen states that they will grow in the US.

As mentioned, Empact has been able to go through its transformation, among other things, from its relationship with Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin has been supporting Empact’s growth in the defence industry, which they are very happy about.

- Besides Lockheed Martin using our product, they are also lifting us in the industry. For instance, when it comes to B2B meetings, which we are very grateful for, concludes CTO, Mr. Larsen.

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