23.04.24 DI Digital Nyheder

DI Digital is launching a new GreenTech network

Join DI Digital’s Digital's new green platform for inspiration and knowledge sharing.

The green transition is ubiquitous in virtually all industries and sectors, as well as in the world and society surrounding us. Digitalization and technology play a significant role in a more sustainable future through the many green digital solutions available today and those being developed in the future. At the same time, increasing digitalization will enhance the carbon footprint caused by the ICT sector.

At DI Digital, our goal is to further highlight the positive impact of technology on the green transition and work towards ensuring that digital development takes place within sustainable frameworks. We know that our member companies have much to contribute to both areas, which is why we are launching DI Digital's GreenTech network.

The network will serve as an inspiration and reference group, targeting companies interested in green transition within a digital context. With the network, we aim to consult with members who are working on the green digital agenda in one way or another and who are interested in gaining insights into and contributing to DI Digital's political and legislative initiatives in the green sector.

The network is open and free of charge for all members of DI Digital and is aimed at leaders and employees working in areas such as product development in connection to the green transition, sustainability reporting (ESG/CSRD), development of green IT solutions, or seeking inspiration and guidance on how IT companies can work more sustainably.

Initially, the network will be virtual and without fixed meetings, but there will be ongoing information about events and activities relevant to the network and its members.

If you would like to learn more about the GreenTech network or would like to sign up, please contact Kirstine Finnemann Arendal at kifa@di.dk

Kirstine Finnemann Arendal

Kirstine Finnemann Arendal


  • Direkte +45 3377 3814
  • Mobil +45 5363 4517
  • E-mail kifa@di.dk

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