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Hvad er MUS? – information til internationale medarbejdere på engelsk

En MUS-samtale er på mange måder et meget dansk koncept. Det er ikke altid let for en international medarbejder at forstå, at det f.eks. ikke er en lønsamtale. Herunder finder du information på engelsk, som du kan give til den internationale medarbejder. Teksten forklarer, hvad en MUS-samtale er (og ikke er).

Annual Employee Development Interviews – MUS-samtale

In Denmark it is custom for the leadership team to conduct annual individual interviews with employees -the so-called Employee Development Interview – in Danish: Medarbejderudviklingssamtale (MUS-samtale).

Companies can have different terms for the individual interview, but the idea behind it is usually the same as described in the following.  

What is the MUS-samtale?

The MUS-samtale is basically an annual service check. It is a dialogue between the employee and his or her immediate superior.

The interview is based on several carefully chosen questions often grouped into different topics. The questions are shared with the employee to prepare prior to the interview. Taking off-set in these questions, various aspects about e.g., work content, cooperation with colleagues, stakeholders, and the manager, as well as the general job-satisfaction is discussed. If needed, action-plans are developed to support relevant development of competences.

Why do companies spend time on the MUS-samtale?

The MUS-samtale is a leadership tool used by companies who appreciates the opportunity to have a dialogue about expectations, competences and job satisfaction in general that goes beyond the dialogues which takes place daily.  Based on the outcome of the interview, the company can, to the point where it aligns with company goals, furnish the employee with new skills, adjust assignments, modify areas of responsibility etc. to better suit the competencies, and mutual needs and wishes of the individual employees and the company.

The thesis is that the more aligned with what is expected in the job, as well as focused, happy, and satisfied the employee feels in his/her job and the better the match between competencies, passions and company goals the better the employee will perform. The more likely the employee and the company is to succeed.

Why should you spend time on the MUS-samtale?

A good MUS-samtale evaluates the year that has passed, takes the temperature on the current situation, and sets goals for the coming year.

The MUS-samtale is a unique opportunity to really have a voice in the development of your career and general work-life. Here, you can (actually, you are expected to!) discuss the past year’s work-related ups and down’s, how you feel about your assignments and if there are areas where you feel under/overqualified, bored, or perhaps eager to learn more or do more? But remember! The MUS-samtale is an add on to all the conversations you have with your manager daily. Never hold anything back and wait for the MUS-appointment to appear in your calendar. Make sure to have a frequent and open dialogue with you manager whenever it is relevant. The MUS-samtale is just the time of year where you sit down and have an even deeper conversation than you would usually have during the week.

Also, the MUS-samtale is a great steppingstone to discuss with your manager what you can do to make sure you feel motivated and get to use your competences, or even develop them further. What makes you happy at work and what are the more frustrating aspects? Do you thrive with your co-workers and does the way your daily work is structured match your personal life?

These are all areas where you at the MUS-samtale can express your thoughts and concerns and together with your superior.

Preparation is key

The quality of the MUS-samtale will often depend on the quality of your preparation. The good thing is that you are provided with all the questions beforehand so you have all the prerequisites to really think about how you feel in your job and in which direction you would like to develop and grow within the company that your work for.  

With the right preparation it is your chance to highlight (use lots of examples to back up your answers!) your skills and reflect about how and in which direction you would like to form your career and what makes you want to jump out of bed and come to work each day and what can make you stumble!


Each company has its own flow but mostly a process for the MUS-samtale will follow this sequence:

MUS-samtale - process

Important to remember what the MUS-samtale is not:

The MUS-samtale is not a discussion about salary (though it is a good steppingstone for telling management about all the hard work that you have put in over that past year and the good work that you do). 

If you experience bad behavior from colleagues, partners or customers, certain life-changing events or any other private or work-related matters that mentally or physically affects your work it is important to bring it up immediately and not put it on hold until the annual MUS-samtale.

Finally, the MUS-samtale is a general dialogue about performance, job-satisfaction and development potential and possibilities. If issues regarding sick leave, poor performance and other related problems arise during the year, this should not be discussed at the MUS-samtale but should instead be addressed immediately by the manager for you to take joint action.

Katja Birthe Lambertsen

Katja Birthe Lambertsen


Ida Andersen

Ida Andersen


Line Stentoft Andersen

Line Stentoft Andersen

Chef for DI Lærlingeindsatsen & DI Global Talent & Mobility

Søren Kjærsgaard Høfler

Søren Kjærsgaard Høfler


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