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US Offshore Wind Data Market Tool

The US Offshore Wind Market Data Tool provides you with access to curated and visualized data for selected US states. The data provides insight into the drivers relevant for choosing how and where to establish a physical presence in a foreign market.

Explore the interactive data tool

US Offshore Wind Market - Data Tool

Explore the US Offshore Wind Market Tool - a tool that includes curated and visualized data for selected US states to help you understand the drivers behind companies’ physical presence in a foreign market.

The tool is developed as a part of a public-private collaboration between Danish Wind Export Association, and Confederation of Danish Industry, and financed by the Danish Energy Agency.

Why this tool?

One of the largest barriers for businesses expanding to the US, is the uncertainty regarding geographical location and the unknown regulations and conditions in-and-between states.

The vast potential for offshore wind on the northeastern coastline of the US, alongside Danish expertise along the value chain of offshore wind, points to the need for mapping the establishment opportunities for offshore wind, in the American Northeast.

One of the largest barriers for businesses expanding to the US, is the uncertainty regarding geographical location and the unknown regulations and conditions in-and-between states.

By gathering key information across 7 different states, this tool allows businesses to compare these states on parameters related to, industry presence, workforce, market prospects and innovation.

Thereby providing companies with insights into the market potential of each state and an understanding of which state provides the best conditions for their expertise.


This dashboard provides insights into the accessibility of ports and airports.

By filtering on the size of ports, bridge height clearance, maximum draft depth and rail access, the dashboard will provide you with a catered list of suitable ports in each state.

You can also get a quick overview of international airports with direct flights to/from Denmark.

Industry presence

This dashboard provides insights into the offshore wind industry in the selected states.

The industry presence category includes data relating offshore wind developers and manufacturers (towers, transition pieces, foundations, array & export cables), number and status on offshore wind farms, investments in the market as well as current and future industry capacity.

By filtering on offshore wind farm status, you can view a list of current and coming offshore wind farm projects in selected states.


This dashboard provides insights into the current and future workforce for offshore wind.

The data include employment by job categories, mean salaries, and investments in the workforce, income tax, and a list of training providers by type.

By filtering on job category, you can view employment numbers for selected states.

Market Drivers

This dashboard provides insight into the energy market in the selected states state.

The data includes market size for renewable energy, zero GHG electricity, offshore wind, and electricity.


This dashboard provides insights into the potential for innovation and the ease of doing business.

Data include innovative scores, ease of doing busines scores, monetary incentives programs, a list of community support, a list of accelerators & incubators, and numbers on venture funding.

You can get a quick overview of the local business support organization.

Louis Funder

Louis Funder


Questions related to the background for this project, the parameters, or the US OSW market. You can also ask me about individual advisory related to market entry and establishment in the US.

Pernille Nørgaard Boris

Pernille Nørgaard Boris


Technical questions on how to use the data tool.

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